Sunday, September 12, 2010

questions 3 and 4

3) “Photography deals exquisitely with appearances, but nothing is what it appears to be.”~Duane Michals. Do you agree or disagree with this quote? Why?

In the case of photography, I agree with this quote. With programs such as photoshop, it is hard to distinguish which photographs have been edited and which have not. Furthermore, pictures can turn out to have redeye, which is not visible in reality, an example of things not appearing as they truly are. Photography is based on appearances, hence the act of photo editing in magazines and publications. Nothing is what it appears to be in photography because the majority of the time, pictures are altered.

4) “If I could tell the story in words, I wouldn't need to lug around a camera.” ~Lewis Hine
Do you agree or disagree with this quote? Why? Describe situations when photographic images reveal “the story” (as compared to words). Describe situations when words reveal “the story” (as compared to images).

I do not wholly agree with this quote due to the fact that not every story needs images. Not every book needs pictures to go along with text. I do agree, however, that pictures are needed for explanations in some circumstances. For example, when returning from a trip, it is more informational to show someone pictures, rather than random, unorganized stories. On the other hand, pictures aren’t needed in literary situations. Poems, shorts stories, and novels are written to elucidate stories by creating images in one’s mind, without photographs. Overall, I believe words are pictures are equally as important when creating a story. 

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